Fluentd is now a CNCF graduate

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The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced that Fluentd is its sixth project to "graduate", following Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, CoreDNS and containerd. Where "graduation" means that a project has reached a certain stage the encompasses that it has completed an independent and third party security audit among other things that the CNCF Graduation Criteria list.

Fluentd was created in 2011 by Sadayuki "Sada" Furuhashi as an open source data collector for building a Unified Logging Layer, which unifies the data collection and consumption for a better use and understanding of data.

With more than 900 plugins connecting data sources and data outputs, Fluentd was the 2016 Bossie Awards winner for the best open source datacenter and cloud software. More than 5000 data-driven community users rely on Fluentd to differentiate their products and services through a better use and understanding of their log data, including Atlassian, Amazon Web Services, Backplane, Change.org, CyberAgent, DeNa, Drecom, GREE, GungHo, LINE Corp, Nintendo, Microsoft, Slideshare and many others.

Fluentd now has 4four active maintainers, over 160 contributors and more than 4400 commits and is commercially backed by the company Treasure Data.

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