Couchbase have released version 2.0 of their Couchbase Autonomous Operator that helps run the NoSQL document database on Kubernetes. It includes new features such as automated security management, resource management, centralized monitoring through Prometheus, auto-configuration of cross datacenter replication (XDCR),and automatic backup and restore operations.
This release introduces a new security model for deploying and managing Couchbase custom resources. Previously, users would deploy a cluster using a single, monolithic CouchbaseCluster resource configuration that defined everything about a cluster (e.g., nodes, buckets, XDCR, etc.). Starting with Autonomous Operator 2.0, parts of the CouchbaseCluster resource are separated into their custom resource types, which the Autonomous Operator aggregates together using label selection.
Autonomous Operator 2.0 requires that all Couchbase custom resources use the new format. Couchbase custom resources – such as CouchbaseCluster – are not backward compatible between Autonomous Operator versions 1 and 2. For upgrades from Autonomous Operator 1.x, Couchbase provides a tool called "cbopconv"to convert existing Cluster resources to version 2.0.
More information can be found in the blog post on the Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0.